Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday Photos [1.9.14]

Here are some photos from Andy & my week:

Seen in our neighbor's yard: Viva Colorado newspaper, which goes to the Spanish-speaking homes in Denver.

I got this sweet notebook from my friend, Emmy, for Christmas and have been writing in it each night before bed this year.

Games at Jackie's baby shower Sunday afternoon.

Sucking the last bit of life out of my favorite candle. Luckily I got more for Christmas!

I've been more conscious about including fruits and/or veggies at each meal. Adding some spinach and garlic in my Monday scrambled eggs.

I love sending snail mail, especially when I have new Batman stamps.

I went to the movie "Wild" Wednesday evening. This popcorn bag is somewhat translucent because of all the butter I added.

The National Western Stock Show is happening in Denver right now, which also brings high school students from across the county to compete in various areas. I stopped by Thursday afternoon to check it out.

Andy and I, for the first time in over three years, cleaned out our drink ware cabinet and I am so pleased at the space!

I bought this and subsequently have had very little else playing in the house. Andy is unenthusiastic.

Ella v. Andy. Who will win?

Have a great weekend!


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