Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This & That and Altered Plans

This weekend turned into a hodge podge of plans and spur of the moment events, staying-in and going out. I was supposed to drive up to Wyoming for work Sunday, but a winter storm kept me obsessively checking road conditions. I ultimately decided to postpone my trip by a day when more of the ice had melted from the 280 miles I had to travel.

We had Shelly & Kevin over for dinner and drinks Friday night. And then some more drinks...

Rhett also came over and tucked himself into Ella's bed. By himself.

Ella was a bit sick over the weekend, and just wanted to snuggle and be pathetic, and really isn't that what we all want when we're sick?

We visited Our friend Ashley as she was pouring beer at Goldspot Brewing's grand opening.

Andy's starting a new glamor shots/senior photo coaching business ;o)

Happy birthday to our dear friend, Christine, shown here loving her Snoop Dog card. Which is even more hilarious after a few glasses of wine.

The gals celebrating Christine.

This also becomes more hilarious later in the night.

Snowy Sunday at Station 26.

FARKLE :o( :o(

So, yea, it was a really nice weekend. I was feeling really guilty about not making it up to Wyoming when I'd intended, but I felt soooo much more comfortable about driving on Monday, and feeling good and safe about my decision is way more important. Plus, I had an awesome Sunday with Andy, so that feels like an extra gift of time :o)


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